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Spike The Ball
Oh I always wanted to say that after finding out I did not get the job. But we don’t do that, we accept the decision and we are told in...
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Street Smarts Over Expensive Certifications
Okay, I’m going to say it, and I’m going to say it because I feel I have earned my place in the Executive Assistant world to say this...
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A New Shade of Lipstick
It’s been a minute since I blogged and I can certainly provide a myriad of reasons why, but you didn’t open this up to read about how...
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In Full Flight: The Triumphs and Travails of an Executive Assistant
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trish Stevens Stadler announces the release of her debut book, In Full Flight: The Triumphs and Travails of an...
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Crowded Space and That’s Okay
Why is everyone saying they’re a coach these days? As a certified coach myself, I find myself scrolling through social media and asking...
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Moving the Proverbial Needle
How we are moving the needle on the role of Executive Assistant and how listening to your gut can help you find your true north.
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Looking Back to Look Forward
One of my favorite blogs. Submitted to and published by Executive Leadership Support Forum. Looking Back to Look Forward By: Trish...
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The March
This girl chose to march. My compass said go and my compass today rarely lies. Whatever direction your compass leads you, I wish you a safe
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Lettuce in the Linen Closet
A great little story my Mom told me once that is so full of good stuff, I thought it would be a nice way to honor her by sharing this...
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Feed Your Mighty
Okay, I've got my skinny jeans on and knee high boots and I'm ready to blog - so, Feed Your Mighty - what does that mean? Well, I'll tell...
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